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Canons High School

Sixth Form Student Leadership


At Canons we have a wide range of student leadership roles.

Our Head and Deputy students work closely with our Assistant Head Students who focus on a particular area within the school community.  


Senior Student Leadership Team

What does the Senior Student Leader do?

  • • Represent the School at events, assemblies, open days.

    • Lead the student body in order to improve the school.

    • Organise Sixth Form Prefects

    • Chair the Sixth Form Council

    • Act as an ambassador and improve communications between the senior staff and students both in the Sixth Form and Main school

    • Represent the students

 Who can be Senior Student Leader? 

Students with the following qualities make ideal candidates:

  • • Confidence and the ability to communicate effectively

    • Skills in Leadership and team work

    • Reliability and dedication

    • Ability to inspire other students and command the respect of their peers

When can a student become Senior Student Leader? 

Selection of Head Students begins at the end of the summer term in Year 12 through a process of application and interview, are appointed by the end of their Year 12 school year to be in post throughout year 13.


Sixth Form Prefect

What does a Sixth Form Prefect do? 

A Sixth Form Prefect:

Has a specified lead role (see further information below)

  • • Ensures organisation of Common Room and Study Areas

    • Undertakes a duty at break or lunch time (in a specified area linked to role)

    • Organise celebration events (Year 13 Prom)

    • Supports with managing safety and positive attitudes around the school building

    • Member of Sixth Form Council

    • Leading and participating in whole school events (when requested)

 Who can become a Sixth Form Prefect?

There is no set number of Sixth form Prefects and students will come from years 12 and 13.

Students with the following qualities make ideal candidates:

  • • a positive role model

    • Willing to assist others

    • Willing to help coordinate/run specific events linked to role

    • Excellent communication skills

    • Excellent organisational skills

Examples of specific Sixth Form Prefect Roles Title Specific Task(s) Qualities/ Experience

  • Sports Leaders Assist with the organisation and delivery of school sporting competitions. Assist with the running of school teams. Assist with the running of extracurricular/enrichment activities Lunchtime duty – supporting with team games on field and ensuring safe participation. Willing to assist others to improve. In sport Willing to help coordinate/run sports teams. 
  • Reading Buddies
    Inspire younger students, especially students with Special Educational Needs, to read by developing events and projects that promote enjoyment of reading throughout our school. Reading Buddies meet targeted students during tutor time(s) Lunchtime duty – supporting with students working in the library over the lunch period. Any student in the Sixth Form who believes in the importance of reading and the astounding effect that reading can have on our lives. A student that shows dedication to every aspect of school life.
  • Charity / Community Champion drive charity events and raise money through whole school and house/6th Form events, seeks the views of others on charities which are important to students. Lunchtime duty. Willing to work with others to devise and develop charity events coordinate/run events in liaison with appropriate staff.
  • Subject Mentor Offers subject mentoring to Year 11/12 peers (nb Sixth Form Subject Mentors are Year 13 students only)                                                                                                                                               


Sixth Form Subject Ambassadors

What does a Sixth Form Subject Ambassador do?

A Sixth Form Subject Ambassador:

  • • Develops student ideas on teaching and learning, in association with Curriculum Leaders

    • Promotes the achievement of Sixth Form learners through communications and publicity

    • Improves the learning environment for all students

    • Assists in subject lessons in KS3/KS4

    • Represents subject areas at open evenings

    • Helps with homework clubs

 Who can be a Sixth Form Subject Ambassador?

Students in years 12 and 13 with the following qualities make ideal Sixth Form Subject Ambassadors:

  •  Someone who can lead by example

    • Someone who is caring and dedicated to helping others

    • Someone who has energy and ideas

    • Someone who is self-confident and purposeful