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Canons High School


The Governing Body plays a key role in supporting the Headteacher and staff of Canons. They include parent and staff governors who are elected to their roles, as well as a number of individuals from the community and beyond. All Governors bring a range of skills and real enthusiasm to Canons.

The full list of Governors is;  

Governing Body 2024-2025

Ms J Hart (Member) - Appointment 10.10.18

Mr A Hickin (Member) - Re-appointment 12.5.19

Ms J Jaffray (Governor) - Appointment 1.2.23    

Mr J Green (Governor) – Appointment 1.9.23

Mr M Schindler (Governor) - Appointment 1.9.23 (Chair of Governors)

Mr K Gure (Governor) - Appointment 1.9.23 

Ms D Akonor (Member) - Appointment 1.10.23

Ms N Cain (Member) - Appointment 1.10.23

Dr E Israel (Member) – Appointment 23.3.24

Ms C Reffold (Member) - Appointment 21.10.24 

Hershil Patel – Community Governor – Appointed 25.9.24

Hershil Patel  has declared an interest as Director of Hershil Ltd

Andrea Callendar – Community Governor – appointed 25.9.24  

Parent Governors  

Ms F Quintyne - Appointment 2.12.22


Staff Governors

Mr S Beck - Appointment 18.5.22

Mr B Rawlings  - appointed 6.11.24


The Governors and Members of the Canons High School Trust are required to complete a register of interests. For 2024/25 Mr A Hickin has declared that he is a Director of the ASCAT MAT, and Ms F Quintyne has declared that she is a Governor at Kenmore Park School and a member of the Management Committee for the Helix Education Centre. Mr M Schindler he is the owner of Michael Schindler Associates. Mr J Green has declared he is a Board Member of the Sephardi Kashrut Authority.

For further details regarding Governing Body structure, responsibilities, committees and meeting attendance annually.  *Please refer to the relevant sections in the Financial Statements.

Schools must publish the number of employees who have gross annual salary and benefits of £100,000 or more.  *Please see page 34; Point 10  of the Financial Statements 2024


Other details regarding the Governing Body can be found on "Get Information about Schools" (GIAS) 

Further Details

Financial Statements

Scheme of Delegation

Article of Association 

Funding Agreement