The Governing Body plays a key role in supporting the Headteacher and staff of Canons. They include parent and staff governors who are elected to their roles, as well as a number of individuals from the community and beyond. All Governors bring a range of skills and real enthusiasm to Canons.
The full list of Governors is;
Governing Body 2024-2025
Ms J Hart (Member) - Appointment 10.10.18
Mr A Hickin (Member) - Re-appointment 12.5.19
Ms J Jaffray (Governor) - Appointment 1.2.23
Mr J Green (Governor) – Appointment 1.9.23
Mr M Schindler (Governor) - Appointment 1.9.23 (Chair of Governors)
Mr K Gure (Governor) - Appointment 1.9.23
Ms D Akonor (Member) - Appointment 1.10.23
Ms N Cain (Member) - Appointment 1.10.23
Dr E Israel (Member) – Appointment 23.3.24
Ms C Reffold (Member) - Appointment 21.10.24
Hershil Patel – Community Governor – Appointed 25.9.24
Hershil Patel has declared an interest as Director of Hershil Ltd
Andrea Callendar – Community Governor – appointed 25.9.24
Parent Governors
Ms F Quintyne - Appointment 2.12.22
Staff Governors
Mr S Beck - Appointment 18.5.22
Mr B Rawlings - appointed 6.11.24
The Governors and Members of the Canons High School Trust are required to complete a register of interests. For 2024/25 Mr A Hickin has declared that he is a Director of the ASCAT MAT, and Ms F Quintyne has declared that she is a Governor at Kenmore Park School and a member of the Management Committee for the Helix Education Centre. Mr M Schindler he is the owner of Michael Schindler Associates. Mr J Green has declared he is a Board Member of the Sephardi Kashrut Authority.
For further details regarding Governing Body structure, responsibilities, committees and meeting attendance annually. *Please refer to the relevant sections in the Financial Statements.
Schools must publish the number of employees who have gross annual salary and benefits of £100,000 or more. *Please see page 34; Point 10 of the Financial Statements 2024
Other details regarding the Governing Body can be found on "Get Information about Schools" (GIAS)
Further Details