At Canons High School we strive to help all students reach their maximum potential by recognising and responding to varied needs, reducing barriers to learning and fostering a sense of inclusivity.
Our SEND provision for pupils with SEND is strongly in line with our school ethos and with current legislative requirements set out in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice: 0 to 25(2014), Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and the Equality Act 2010.
SEND lies at the heart of the school and is a priority for each and every teacher at CHS. ‘All teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs’ (SEN Code of Practice p.44). As a result of this, our staff are committed to providing high quality education and they receive thorough, and current information and training to ensure this happens. We know that all young people, including those identified as having SEND, have the right to an academic and social curriculum which is both broad and balanced, and which is accessible to them, thus enabling them to be fully immersive in all facets of our school life.
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 2014 states that:
“A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.”
With this is mind, our staff:
- Seek to identify the needs of pupils with SEND as early as possible.
- Monitor the progress of all pupils in order to aid the identification of pupils with SEND.
- Make appropriate provision to overcome all barriers to learning and ensure pupils with SEND have full access to the National Curriculum.
- Work with parents to gain a better understanding of their child, and involve them in all stages of their child’s education.
- Work with and in support of outside agencies when the pupils’ needs cannot be met by the school alone. For example, the Educational Psychology Service and Speech and Language therapists.
- Create a school community where pupils can contribute to their own learning by offering all students the opportunity to voice their own opinions.
Policies and Report
Inclusion Special Educational Needs Policy
English as an Additional Language Policy
For further information about our SEND provision, please contact the SENCO:
Mr Jonathan Sheehan
Useful links
Harrow Council Local Offer
Special Education Need Local Offer
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)