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Canons High School

Attendance & Term Dates  


Attendance Contact Details


Phone: 020 8 951 5780  - answerphone available    

 Term Dates 2024-2025 

Term Dates Flyer 2024-2025

 Focus on Attendance and Punctuality

At Canons High School we wish to work in partnership with parents and carers and so are seeking your full support in ensuring that your child attends school every day and on time. We are always pleased to work together with parents/carers in resolving any difficulties, but we are also committed to improving attendance levels at school.      

We believe every lesson really does matter. Every day of absence is a lost opportunity for learning and regular  and punctual attendance at school is both a legal requirement and essential as we prepare students for their future success. Attendance monitoring is also an  important component of safeguarding. 

The Department of Education expects schools and local authorities to:

  • Reduce absence including persistent absence
  • Ensure every pupil has access to full-time education to which they are entitled
  • Act early to address patterns of absence
  • Ensure that all students are punctual to their lessons and attend school regularly


Canons High School is committed to our Attendance Policy which reflects the above requirements, and also aims to  ensure clarity of the school’s expectations around attendance. Through our focus on student professionalism, we promote high expectations for the attendance of every student. 

Information regarding the following areas can be found in our Attendance Policy:   

1. Introduction

2. Responsibilities

3. Legal Enforcement

4. Appointments Procedure

5. Religious Observance

6. Leave of Absence Procedure

7. Rewards

8. Post 16 

9. Useful Information  

Each year the school will review annual attendance figures and set a whole school attendance target. This target will reflect national attendance data.  We strive for every student to achieve  100% attendance. We will work closely students an families and with Children's support agencies to support improving attendance. We will use legal actions, where necessary. Our current attendance target is 96%.  The school will review systems for improving attendance at regular intervals.  

Children with Long Term Medical Needs  


Supporting Children with Long Term Medical Needs Policy