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Canons High School

English Faculty

Head of Faculty: Amanpreet Kang 

The English Department at Canons supports and encourages students to become confident, articulate learners. We aim for students to not only develop a wide knowledge base of the subject, but to also cultivate a range of life skills which will support them in becoming productive and valued members of society.

At the start of their Canons journey, we begin to support students in developing skills they will need for Key Stages 3-5 as well as beyond. In Year 7 Canons students have 5 lessons of English per week. This enables us to study the subject with breadth and depth. As well as regular English lessons, specific Literacy lessons are embedded across the year to help support students with their spelling, punctuation and grammar skills.

Throughout their time at Canons, we encourage students’ love of reading and engagement with English. As well as their knowledge of key texts, this includes making sure students are able to interrogate any text confidently, thinking carefully about how language shapes meaning. As well as developing independent and individual writing skills, we add to students’ confidence through a range of group activities, projects and Speaking and Listening activities. We aim to encourage students to be able to give their point of view on any topic confidently, using their understanding of English to shape and articulate their opinions.

In Years 7, 8 and 9 students study a range of different topics specifically chosen to engage them. This includes non-fiction writing, poetry, novels, modern plays and a range of Shakespeare texts. We have also carefully planned our delivery of the GCSE course in Years 10 and 11 so that there is time to practise and embed the knowledge and skills needed to perform confidently in their exams. Students are also able to study ‘A’ Level English Literature at the school, developing their skills further. The English Department has a strong enthusiasm for their subject, and this is reflected in our strong results. We help students to recognise the value of their study of English and its strong relevance to their own lives. We also recognise and value the diversity within our student body, and have designed the curriculum to cover a varied range of different voices and cultures.  


Curriculum Maps

KS3 English Curriculum Map

KS4 English GCSE Curriculum Map

KS5 English A Level Curriculum Map