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Canons High School


    • Curriculum Information

      Information for students choosing their GCSE options

      KS4 Options booklet 2024-2025


      This  booklet contains all the information you need to make informed choices about which subjects to chose, as well as the general options process.  

      For enquiries regarding Curriculum and learning please contact: 

      Sarah Waseem Vice Principal   

      Aims of the Curriculum 

      Canons High School is committed to providing a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum for all students in all key stages. Our aim is to ensure that every student studies the full range of national curriculum subjects throughout key stage 3, in order to ensure that they begin key stage 4 and later move into key stage 5 with the strong knowledge, appropriate skills and deep understanding in all their subjects that will allow them to flourish in their chosen options and in English, Maths and Science. Our curriculum model allows us to prepare students effectively to engage with the increased content and difficulty of terminal examinations at key stage 4 and 5. We aim for challenge and excellence for all and are committed to ensuring that all students can choose from and access a wide range of courses, enjoy their studies and achieve success. 

      We aim for all students to acquire detailed knowledge and skills and students are supported through effective teaching practices to remember what they have been taught long-term. As a result of excellent and effective teaching for all, students cumulatively know more, can do more and remember more as they progress across the curriculum in each subject

      In order to ensure that each student is challenged and supported effectively, from September 2024 we have increased the learning time for each lesson for all students in all key stages to 1 hour lessons. We are determined that every student will leave Canons at the end of their seven year journey with us at the age of 18 with the strongest possible outcomes that will allow each to transition successfully to the next stage of education, training or employment.


      Key Stage 3 Curriculum - overview

      In Years 7, 8 and 9 we provide a rich, broad curriculum which focuses on subject mastery to give all our students the knowledge they need to progress into key stage 4 and beyond and the cultural capital to prepare them to succeed in life. All students study all the national curriculum subjects for three years.

      Our Key Stage 3 curriculum consists of the following subjects: 
       - English                      - Science          - Geography              - Design & Technology
       - Mathematics          - PE                     - History                      - Computer Science
       - Art                             - Music              - Drama                      - Media Studies
       - Religious Studies    - PSHE                - Languages (a choice of French, Italian or Spanish)

      At Key Stage 3, students are taught in tutor groups. We ensure our teaching is focused on challenging all students to achieve excellence and on ensuring we meet the needs of each individual student, whatever their ability or stage of development. Our curriculum maps give full details of the content of each subject.

      Key Stage 4 Curriculum - overview

      1. All students will take examinations in English Language, English Literature, Maths and Combined Science (5 GCSEs). In addition, every student will opt to take four subjects from a wide range of choices.

      2. English Baccalaureate: We aspire to all our students choosing to take the English Baccalaureate (EBacc): English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Combined Science, a language and History or Geography in addition to other choices. All students will be able to opt for the EBacc subjects, which we feel will provide a strong academic foundation and transferable skills for their future. This includes choosing either Geography or History as well as a language – French, Spanish, Italian or Arabic.

      3. Triple Science, where students gain separate qualifications in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, is in the options choices. 

      Any student may opt for separate sciences, regardless of prior attainment, if they are interested in studying science further.

      4. There is an additional broad range of subjects from which students may choose according to their aptitudes and aspirations. We will ensure that, where possible, all students have the opportunity to study their preferred courses and they are provided with the necessary information and guidance that will enable them to make these important choices. 

      How will the subjects be taught and examined?

      Core subjects: GCSE English, English Literature, Mathematics and Combined Science (Double Award) will be taught over the two years of key stage 4. There will be examinations in each of these subjects at the end of Year 11. All students also take core PE and PSHRE, which are non-examined compulsory courses.

      Optional subjects: The four options subjects will be taught over the two years of key stage 4 and will be examined at the end of Year 11. 

      In total students will take 9 GCSEs/BTECs.

      Any student may opt for separate sciences, regardless of prior attainment, if they are interested in studying science further.   


      For enquiries regarding Curriculum please contact:  Ms Sarah Waseem Vice Principal