Sport, Health & Wellbeing Faculty
Head of Faculty: Ben Rawlings
The Faculty of Sport, Health and Wellbeing combines Physical Education, Health & Social Care and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHRE) to ensure our health and wellbeing are developed and enhanced so we can be at our best.
Physical Education aims to create active, healthy, confident individuals who enjoy taking part in physical activity and can make informed decisions about their own and others performances. The provision we provide promotes inclusivity and Students will develop knowledge of what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle as well as being able to work effectively as an individual and within in a team. Our Exam courses in KS4 and KS5 allow pupils to explore the theory behind Physical activity and sport, to not only perform at their best, identify individual talents and use this to respond to challenges.
Studying Physical Education at GCSE level enables learners to not only perform and evaluate performance in a practical sense but enables learners to understand the theoretical concepts that explain, influence and shape our participation in sport and physical activities. Physical Education qualifications allow students to play to their strengths and gain dynamic skills for further education and a healthy future. The current specifications teach students applied anatomy and physiology, physical training, sport psychology, ethics, socio-cultural influences, health and fitness, commercialisation and using data. BTEC Sport enables learners to study the world of Sport and Sport Science in different ways. Learners will engage in both theoretical and practical lessons to prepare for both exams and the submission of coursework. The course is designed to engage, enthuse, challenge and stimulate discussion. Learners will explore not only physiological aspects in sport but psychological aspects.
These are related to the working environment to support our learners in their chosen careers. Health and Social Care enables pupils to acquire knowledge, understanding and technical skills through vocational contexts about skills and processes, such as interpreting data to assess an individual’s health, and designing a plan to improve their health and wellbeing, knowledge that underpins the effective use of skills, processes and attitudes, including human growth and development, health and social care services, and factors affecting people’s health and wellbeing.
The PE department leads a strong extra -curricular programme which is available to all pupils. It includes a variety of different sports which give pupils an opportunity to develop excellence in a particular sport and compete for the school in Borough wide fixtures and tournaments.
Curriculum Maps
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4
KS4 L2 BTEC Sport Tech Award - Curriculum Map
KS4 Health and Social Care BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award - Year 10 Curriculum Map
KS4 Health and Social Care BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award - Year 11 Curriculum Map
Key Stage 5
KS5 Health and Social Care BTEC Level 3 Curriculum Map